Tactical Self Defense Training in Cambridge

Take On Our Cutting-Edge Tactical Self-Defense Classes Today!

Do you know what to do in a dangerous situation? Do you know how to defend yourself and your loved ones?

Most people don’t.

That’s why our team here American Martial Arts Center is committed to helping people all across our community develop effective Tactical Self-Defense skills. We offer training in a variety of different situations to help you be prepared in any event.

This program is great for men and women of all fitness levels. Just fill out the short form on your screen or come see us here in Cambridge to learn more today!

Why Is Tactical Self-Defense Right For You?

What we teach you at American Martial Arts Center isn't just about competition-style martial arts. It's about real-world self-defense. Join us in Cambridge and learn the skills you need to keep yourself and your family safe, whether you're here in Cambridge or traveling abroad. It's easy to think that self-defense is a niche skill, that you'll never find yourself in the kind of dangerous situations you see on television -- but if danger strikes, it's important to be prepared.

Tactical Firearms Training

The average self-defense situation involving a shooting lasts less than 2.5 seconds from the time the threat is recognized. Our goal is to help you know how to react in these fast-paced events and help you prepare for survival. Our Firearms Training teaches defense with the use of handguns, shotguns, and rifles and reinforces proper handling techniques. 

Tactical Stick, Baton, and Cane For Self-Defense

Being prepared to defend yourself means finding ways to use tools that are easily available. Our Stick, Baton, and Cane Self-Defense Seminars help instill the knowledge you need to be able to pick up anything in order to defend yourself. The beauty of this style of defense is that it's generally applicable to a variety of age groups and people. Cane defense is an increasingly popular tool for people who already carry a cane for their mobility. Baton defense is an important tool for law enforcement and is slowly becoming more widely used. Stick defense allows the use of all of the skills you would employ with Cane or Baton, but apply it to situations where you may be in a limiting environment. 

Tactical Knife Self-Defense

There are knife fighting tactics found in every culture and martial discipline throughout the world. Our Tactical Knife Self-Defense Training incorporates the safety precautions and technical skills necessary to react appropriately when in danger and deflect any injury. We offer training in both fixed blades and folding blades so that you can be sure that your ability is not limited. These sessions help with when, where, how, and what type of knife to carry, disarming, and patterns of attack amongst other useful subjects.

    Don’t Miss Out On The Best Self Defense Classes In Cambridge And Beyond

    If you’re ready to take on a total-body training program that challenges your body, teaches you effective self-defense skills, and gives you the confidence to face anything life throws your way, come see us today.

    Our team American Martial Arts Center is proud to help people all across our community thrive and we can’t wait for you to be next.

    Join us here in Cambridge to see it for yourself or simply fill out the short form on your screen to learn more!

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